Tag Archives : Paranormal

Book Review – White Hot by Ilona Andrews | Blushing Geek

Book Review – White Hot by Ilona Andrews

I can’t believe I can still love this series even more after reading this book, White Hot, which is the second book of the Hidden Legacy series. It has more thrilling adventure in the magical community of Houston plus the sexual tension between the leads were so enthralling. Waaa Mad Rogan, you got me again. Definitely a must-read!

Book Review - City of Bones by Cassandra Clare | Blushing Geek

Book Review – City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

City of Bones is the first book in The Mortal Instruments written by Cassandra Clare. While this may not have been one of my favorite books, I was still able to enjoy some parts in this story. And having said that, I’m still open to try the other books in the series as I believe (and hope) that it will get better on the next installment.

Book Review - White Raven by JL Weil | Blushing Geek

Book Review – White Raven by J.L. Weil

White Raven, which is the first book of the Raven series has been in my TBR for a long time now but I’m not really sure how long that is, haha. But I do remember the reason why I added this book in my TBR, aside from the story, I was captivated with its enchanting cover.